Crazy (arr. Karen Peterson) by Patsy Cline Sheet Music for Harp at Sheet Music Direct
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Crazy (arr. Karen Peterson) Digital Sheet Music
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Crazy (arr. Karen Peterson)by Patsy Cline Harp - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Description

WATCH THE Bb VERSION: You are viewing the arrangement for lap harp, which is in the key of F. To hear the Bb version played on a larger harp, go to

Overview: This Countrypolitan song made famous by Patsy Cline was written by a not-yet-famous Willie Nelson. The attitude of the protagonist has been described as variously "bemused," "bittersweet," and "cathartic." What is it to you, and how can you bring that emotion into your playing?

My double-strung arrangement sets accidentals in the LH prior to playing, allowing the song to proceed without lever flips. The optional lever flip at the very end can be easily eliminated, making this song a great opportunity to practice flipping on the right with an easy recovery if you cant get it in time.

Key and range: F major (one flat). 21x2 strings. G below middle C through F. Preset F#, G#, B natural, and C#. (LARGER HARPS: For harps with C below middle C or lower, get the Bb version here:

Lever changes: One optional lever change on the right. Set four accidentals on the left before playing.

Good for: Parties, performance.

Double-strung effects: Preset accidentals on the left allow for jazzy chords without lever flips. If youve been hesitant about moving your LH into the melody area, this is your chance to learn. You can gently move out of your comfort zone by only switching hands for these accidentals, or you can take it a step further with optional echoed notes and an optional RH lever flip.

Characteristics: The LH and RH usually play together, but with several held notes and a melody that doesnt always strike on the downbeat, the hands play separately at least 25% of the time. There are a few instances that call for wider than an octave spread. Most chords are LH 1-5-8, 1-5-7, or 1-3-5-8. The RH has almost no chords. There are very few sixteenth notes. The most complicated placements are in the introduction with one slide and one cross-over.

Finger placement: Finger number suggestions are provided for key phrases with bolded L/R for levered accidentals. Numbers above the notes are suggestions for the RH (marked with "R" or "R#" when they occur in the bottom staff). Numbers below the notes are suggestions for the LH (marked with "L" or "L#" when they occur in the top staff).

Notation: Chord symbols are provided; lyrics are included separately. Treble clef used in both staves.

Length: 2 pages. 40 measures. 2:30 minutes.

Page turns: None if you print.

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.

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